Network Speed Test Links Print

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We guarantee unlimited unmetered 1 Gbps burst Ingress and Egress Network speeds from our data center servers origin.

Speed Test Download links

Test our network quality and speed for services over HTTP protocol with the following cmd.exe/terminal commands:

Mac OSX / Linux terminal

1GB random bits file:

curl -o /dev/null

10GB random bits file:

curl -o /dev/null

Windows cmd.exe

1GB random bits file:

curl.exe --output NUL --url

10GB random bits file:

curl.exe --output NUL --url


NOTE: These files are random bit files and are safe to download. This is over HTTP protocol so the speed is not raw TCP speed.

The source ISP connections, backbones link quality, and speed you use to test will affect the results.  Even if you have a 1 Gbps+ internet link from your ISP link to other locations (such as with local close geographic locations), testing our network speeds at 1 Gbps speeds can vary by a great amount per your source ISP and backbone connections.

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