Dedicated Server Vs Cloud Server: What to choose?

The game of internet changes very quickly. If you think that your shared hosting can handle the increasing amount of traffic on your site, you are wrong. As your traffic grows, you have to start thinking about upgrading your hosting plan. Nowadays, it’s imperative to meet the high standards of the internet regularly or you’ll be left behind. So what kind of hosting should you get for your website?

This article focuses on performance and scalability for growing websites in terms of choosing between Dedicated Server Hosting and Cloud Server Hosting.

Both of them have their own pros and cons. Check them out:

Dedicated Hosting Server

In dedicated hosting, the client leases an entire server i.e., the server is not shared with anyone else. The client has full access to the physical servers including the choice of operating system, RAM, hardware, disk space, and software.


  • Powerful
  • Maximum control
  • Great server performance
  • Completely isolated
  • Software & hardware customization


  • Expensive as you have to pay the entire cost of the server.
  • Inflexible – Require experts and high technical skills.
  • A crash like all other systems and difficult to bring back online

Cloud Hosting

In cloud hosting, hundreds of individual servers work together so that it looks like one giant server. In this, the client is not dependent on a single server i.e., if one server crashes, the others will backup and process the data with no downtime.


  • Flexible and cost-effective
  • Unlimited ability to handle traffic spikes
  • Server scalability
  • You have to pay for only what you choose.
  • Your site will never be restricted by the specifications of a physical machine
  • You can often clone, deploy and remove servers in an instant


  • Need experts to handle effectively.

Cloud Server VS Dedicated Server

  • Cloud Servers have dedicated Operating systems and support systems compatible with x86 including MS Windows, Unix, Linux, and more. Whereas dedicated servers have a dedicated Operating System, but for hosting service, you need to select OS from a list of pre-approved OS and versions.
  • You can remotely install and reinstall OS on cloud servers whereas, in dedicated servers, installation and re-installation of OS are rare.
  • Cloud Servers can remotely reboot a “frozen” Server whereas in dedicated servers it’s possible occasionally.
  • You can take a server snapshot of cloud servers before making any changes to it. If needed, you can return the server back to the original state with a single mouse click. Whereas in dedicated servers, snapshot feature is not available.
  • Cloud servers run on a computing resource pool served by redundant power PDUs, redundant power UPSs, redundant power generators, and redundant power grids. While some dedicated servers have dual power supplies but they are often on a single power PDU.

We hope that now you have clarity about cloud and dedicated hosting i.e., which hosting option to go for. We personally recommend dedicated server hosting if you have a reasonably good budget. However, if your budget is high, go with Cloud Hosting as it will offer you the flexibility to upgrade and downgrade in real-time.

CharityHost Cloud Servers for you.

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