How to Find a Domain Name Owner

How to Find a Domain Name Owner

A domain name usually maps to a website and is used by individuals, businesses, and organizations to match their organization name and have it point to a website.

There are times people want to find a bit more information about the owner of a website and this can be due to various reasons from just being curious about the possibility of reaching out to the website owner.

There are some ways to find a domain name owner and the methods we are about to discuss do not need any coding. You just need basic experience in using a computer and the internet. I am not saying that to sound funny but just wanted to let you understand how relatively easy it is.

About / Contact / Team Page

A good place to start your search is at the About, Contact, and/or Team Pages. Most businesses will give a good description of their business or top team members on any of these pages and might also contain phone numbers, email, and physical addresses that can be used to reach them.

If no information is found, you will at least be able to fill out a contact form and this is usually actively monitored.

Privacy Policy Page

You can also find contact information for some companies in their privacy policy as there can be a mention of their location on the policy page.

Terms and Conditions Page

The Terms and Conditions Page will usually include the name and/or location of a business. The full address might not be fully stated but in a case where the business is a subsidiary of a larger business, it is a good place to find the information about the name of a parent company and as such a bit of insight on who actually owns the domain name.

There’s every chance that other sites you have tried to get information from listed this as the very first place to check and while it’s still a great idea, we can’t dispute that a lot of people now purchase domain privacy and you most likely won’t find the information you need here.

It is however still a good way to find out who owns a domain name. Some Popular WHOIS directories are listed below:

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