How to Improve Website Speed

Let me start by getting straight to the point. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you will definitely lose lots of leads. If you want to know how to improve your website speed, then you should carefully read this post and take necessary action.

The only guaranteed way to achieve Google’s Website load speed of one (1) second or less is by hosting your site in the cloud. Good enough, we have the fastest and most affordable cloud hosting around.

Now if you are wondering, “but I still have money left on my current hosting. I can’t migrate just yet”. You’re at the right place, this post will brush through some of the things you need to do in order to improve you load speed.

WordPress based Sites

For WordPress based sites, you will need the following plugins that will help to ensure that your page load speed is commendable.

  • W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache (Cache plugin)
  • WP Smush.It (Image compression)
  • BJ Lazy Load (Plugin That loads Images as User Scrolls)
  • WP-Optimize or WP DBManager (for managing and maintaining the database)
  • P3 Profiler (Plugin that lets you know which plugin is slowing down your site)

Joomla Based Sites

When it comes to Joomla, here are some extensions that will help you improve your load speed.

  • JCH Optimize (JCH means Joomla CSS and HTML, so this actually minifies you css and html scripts)
  • Aimy Speed Optimization (Plugin for minify, browser caching, and elimination of render blocking)

For Drupal Based Sites

If you are running drupal on your site, we have you covered. Here are the modules you need to get your site up to speed.

  • Boost (For caching your site. This works well in most hosting environments)
  • Minify (This Module will minify your  scripts for faster loading time)

While it looks like there not enough plugins for Joomla and Drupal to manage page speed, it is actually because most of this functionality is embedded in the core and can be reached by going through the settings. I won’t ask you to go through the settings except you know what you are doing.

In case you are wondering how website speed can increase lead generation for you, you should try to remember how when you wanted to load a site and it took a while, I can bet that there was a 50% chance that you got impatient and closed the site, and I can bet you would most likely not have revisited the site.

Most search engines will also not rank your site higher if it takes too much time to load.

1 thought on “How to Improve Website Speed”

  1. I am absconded by reading your article .
    Very informative and exploring.
    It really helpful to me.
    keep sharing

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