How Your Web Hosting Can Affect Your SEO Ranking

How Web Hosting Affects SEO Ranking

Keywords and analytics are not the only factors that lead to web prominence; you also need good web hosting to rank your website higher in SERPs. It’s really important for every blogger, SMBs or online entrepreneurs to choose a right web hosting service that is reliable and guarantees 100% uptime for your site.

A bad web hosting service can hurt your rankings by affecting your chances of building credit with Google, Bing, and other search engines. Keep reading to find out how your web host can affect your website’s SEO ranking:

  • Uptime And Downtime

    Your site might experience larger downtime due to cheap web hosting service. In this case, your customers and Google spiders will not be able to access your site. Google might identify that your site is down due to server issues, leading to a negative impression. So, make sure to consider web hosting that provides uptime guarantee.

  • Page Load Speed

    Your page loading speed might be slow due to coding and configuration of your site. However, your web host also has a role to play toward your website load speed. If your page is taking too much time to load due to server side issues, you may lose your readers. Moreover, Google might drop your search engine rankings.

  • Location

    Google provides search results depending on your geographic location. This criteria has less effect now considering CDN’s and that you can set the location target within Google Webmasters.  However, the result produced for search queries are still prioritized to a website with a location set in that particular search area. So if your target is the US and your location is in the UK or somewhere else, there are lesser chances that your site will be displayed on top search results. If you want high rankings, analyze your target audience and choose your service in that particular location to get high rankings.

Trust only good web hosting services, that offer 99.99% uptime, high page load speed, and help your sites rank to the top in search engine rankings. Trust CharityHost!

For more information about our webhosting packages, click here!

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