Should You Choose Free Web Hosting For Your Blog?

Should You Choose Free Web Hosting

So you have decided to start a new blog. Congratulations!

Now what?

Are you thinking about choosing free web hosting for your blog?

Before you decide, we want you to have the full information that you need to make a decision.

Web hosting is essential for the success of every online business. Choosing the right hosting for your site can improve your SEO rankings as well as sales. So which hosting to choose – free web hosting or paid one? There’s so much information floating on the internet about web hosting and with everyone telling a different story – it could be confusing for you.

So, let us get right to the point and give you the information that you are looking for i.e., should you choose free web hosting for your blog?

The answer is NO!

Keep reading to find out why we recommend you to not go for free web hosting.

Free Web Hosting

free website hosting is a free non-paid web hosting service and often comes with certain limits on usage in comparison to paid web hosting. Free web hosts will usually provide a sub domain ( or a directory (

Issues With Free Web Hosting

  • Free Web Hosting Can Die at Any Time

    The very first issue with free hosting is that free hosting providers can shut down their free services anytime. You probably have to move your content to a new server which can be time consuming. Moreover, there are chances that you’ll not be able to redirect your old links to your new domain.

  • You Can’t Sell Your Free Hosted Blog

    Another issue that you might face with free hosting is that you can’t sell your blog to any person as free hosted blog is not your property. Free blogging sites like blogspot,, and Squarespace etc. doesn’t allow you to share, sell, and transfer your blog to any other person.

  • No Control on Server Resources

    With free hosting, you don’t get any control on your blog server resources. You can’t keep control over the traffic coming to your site. An increase in traffic on your blog can lead to increase in the loading time of your blog and your site might get crash as well. As free web hosting services are used by millions of other users, you can’t even ask for additional bandwidth when traffic increases on your site.

  • Security Issues

    Your site is not completely secure with free webhosting services. If in case your server gets hacked, you may lose your data forever.

  • Limited Choices

    With paid hosting, you can have access to various plugins, themes, and tools to help you draw readership and create compelling content. But in the case of free hosting, blog hosts restrict your access to those resources, limiting your reach.

So we recommend that you go for paid web hosting for your blog and avoid the above mentioned issues.

We understand that starting a new blog can be really time-consuming and frustrating. You might be feeling hesitant about investing on web hosting services for your first blog, but trust us, in the long run, it is going to be beneficial for you. For any hosting related query, you can contact CharityHost today!

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