Things To Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Service Provider

Everyone knows that in order to make your website available on the Internet, you have to get hosting to host your content online. But you shouldn’t just settle for any host, though. For the most part, the hosting industry is full of web hosts that provide a low level service for cheap, to only provide subpar performance, security and support and push those customers to pay more for higher level plans they would not need if the web host would honor their plan as set forth by their marketing.ย  This is called bait switch marketing.ย  Akin to how Internet services market bandwidth that is 5 to 10 times faster than what they actually provide the service with.ย  Test a web host with free trial to make sure it meets your expectations and needs before you commit to something that is not well represented during the ordering process. There are a lot of things that you have to consider when choosing a web hosting service provider. The following pointers from us can help you avoid a lot of agitation and trouble later down the road.

#1ย  Dedicated Support

If something goes wrong with either your site or your hosting, you need someone you can reach out to at all hours. When you sign up for a best web hosting service, you get support that’s available around the clock. There will never be a situation where you can’t get a hold of them to find out how to fix things. You should consider 24/7 support as one of the most important things to consider when choosing your web host provider.

#2 Best Fully Managed Uptime Record, Performance and Security.

Your site should load pages quickly and you need a web host that provides good servers and load times.ย  Security and updates are essential to keep you web site secured and running optimally protected from malicious hackers.ย  Speed and Security are not the only thing that you should consider when getting a host. The appeal of having a website, of course, is the fact that it’s “always on.” Even if your business hours are over, a curious customer can still find out about your products if they want to buy through your website. But if your host goes down, your website goes down too. When you look around for web hosting packages to purchase, choose a web host that has a stellar record for server uptime.

#3 Easy To Use Tools & Features

Once you’ve actually signed up for a web hosting plan and gotten everything set up, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with the tools that you get. Every host will give you a set of “back end” tools that let you work on your website behind the scenes. Make sure you get a professional-level Plesk control panel which provides all the tools you need including Plesk WP Toolkit, automatic WordPress updates, security, and a browser based login to manage your websites. You can also check for features such as a WordPress drag and drop builder that lets you test your site, move things around, and get things running with no hassle at all. Elementor an extensible freemium plugin and a great drag and drop framework to build your pages.ย  Go for a host that gives you access to what you need, right from the get go!

#4 DDoS Protection

You don’t have to provoke a hacker for your site to suffer from a distributed denial of service attack. These attacks not only slow your site down, they can even make it completely unavailable. The best web hosting services offer built in protection against DDoS attacks! They can recognize an attack early and shut down all those connections to your site.

#5 Options to Upgrade

Your site isn’t going to stay the same forever. In fact, it might not even look the same at all in a few years! How can you expect your hosting plan to be any different? One plan isn’t going to always meet your needs. As you grow, you want to be with a host that offers options to upgrade. You should be able to switch from your shared hosting package to a dedicated hosting or cloud hosting package depending on your need. As your site matures and your understanding of your own needs grow, you can refine your level of service.

Lastly, always look for hosting services that make it clear they’re willing to work with you to find exactly the plan you need. With, you can rest assured that we understand your needs and can cater to all your hosting needs. Check our web hosting plans here or contact us!ย  Get 3 free months web hosting using this promo code at checkout for monthly plans:ย 


2 thoughts on “Things To Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Service Provider”

  1. I agree that you should find online hosting that allows you to upgrade your plans. Not only are sites stagnant, but you shouldn’t expect yours to stay stagnant as your business changes. It’s important that you have the right perspective when picking a hosting service so that you can be prepared to expand online when the opportunity presents itself.

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